Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spirit Bear Project: The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey

The Ordinary World:
Cole beats the crap out of Peter for telling on him because Cole robbed a hardware store. Faces adult jail.
Cole wants attention, acts the way he does, because his dad beats on him.

The Call to Adventure:     
Cole doesn't think he is going to be really punished  like all those times before. Cole doesn't realize is he is facing real consequences, adult jail time!

Refusal of the Call:           
Cole feels he can get out of jail time by doing Circle Justice, a group that Garvey told him about while visiting him at the detention center. He thinks he can act like he has changed and they will send him to
the island so he can escape.

Meeting with the Mentor:        
 Garvey and Circle Justice is introduced Garvey visits Cole and presents Cole with Circle Justice thinking it will give him a second chance.Edwin mentors Cole when he provided Cole's supplies for staying on the island and building the cabin for him and when he  teaches Cole about how to heal himself while on the island. Circle Justice helps him by  working with him to see if he has changed and is willing to heal while on the island. 

Crossing the  Threshold:         
Cole gets to the island and is angry for being there so he burns down the cabin Edwin built him and trjes to swim away but gets worn out because its high tide.

Tests, Allies, and Enemies:     
 Cole drifts back to the island after getting worn out trying to escape and learns that if he is going to escape that je will need more energy and time to rest. For energy Cole eats a half eaten fish he found. Cole begins the Spirit Bear

Cole sees the bear and just thinks it is big and stupid. the third time he sees the bear he tries to attack it and ends up getting his butt handed to him on a silver plate.

The Ordeal:        
 Bering alone is Cole's greatest fear. at first he feels everything is stupid then he sees the baby sparrows in the tree. Then a storm came and the tree fell down, killing the little birds who were helpless and only wanted food from their mother. Cole compares himself to the birds and he realizes he wants to live so he starts eating anything he can find. the Spirit Bear comes to check up on Cole and he touches it getting a piece of it's fur.later Edwin and Garvey find Cole and save him.

The Reward:          
Cole survives and realizes he wants to live. He has a better out look on life: that the world doesn't revolve around him and sees the error of his ways.

The Road Back:      
Cole is sent back to the island to prove he has changed and as punishment for trying to escape. While on the island this time he must provide his own supplies and build his own shelter. He must also do a healing cycle with Edwin, which includes hiking, wading in a cold pond, carrying his ancestor rock up a hill and pushing it back down, and carving in a totem pole what he has learned that day.      

The  Ressurection:                   
 Peter tries to commit suicide so Cole invites him to come stay on the island with Garvey,and him. Peter beats the crap out of Cole one day and forgives Cole for what he did. Peter then does the healing cycle with Cole and they carve a totem pole together.

Return with the Elixir:
Peter has forgiven Cole and the Spirit Bear finally appears to them. Cole learn to not blame others for his problem and to take responsibility for them and that it is bad to be angry.

Spirit Bear Project: Reading Guide: Study Guide

Chapters 13-15:

1. A nurse who helped heal Cole after being mauled by the Spirit Bear.
2. Fool, nothing, baby-faced con.
3. Threw it into the water, threw it away.
4. Garvey, Cole's mother, and two guards.
5. It was trying to protect itself because Cole was trying to kill it.
6. She has stopped drinking, started dressing better, and is trying to be a better mother.
7. He was abused by his parents as a child.
8. Edwin
9. Bernie
10. Cole's mother
11. Paying for it; selling all of his belonging in order to pay for it.

Chapters 16-18:

1. Takes one hour
2. He takes the spark plug.
3. Lessons he has learned while on the island.
4. He is actually sorry for what he did to Peter.
5. To the really cold pond he wades in.
6. Left end of the stick
7. A whale
8. Whale dance
9. A large rock

Chapters 19-21:

1. A wolf
2. Cole isn't being grateful
3. He learns it is really bad to be alone.
4.Don't Answer
5. Being alone
6. Cole
7. A knife
8. A canoe
9. Peter

Chapters 22-25:

1. Smears ashes and cedar boughs
2. HE tried to grab the  beaver
3. He has to clear his mind
4. A tree
5. Himself/Peter
6. To show the healing had taken place
7. A candy bar
8. Commit suicide
9. Have him come to the island
10. Garvey

Chapters 26-28:

1. Spaghetti with hot dog bites cut into it 
2. Will be in jail for a very long time
3. at.o'ow/ candy bar
4. Cole's dad
5. He shoves Cole into the water
6. Peter
7. Peter
8. The dance of the mouse
9. HE always lied
10. The Spirit Bear
11. The Circle Justice 

Spirit Bear Project: Reading Guide: Conflict


Person vs. Person
Conflict                                               Resolution
Cole vs. Father
Father put in jail                            
Cole vs. Peter                                          
Help Peter

Person vs. Nature
Conflict                                               Resolution
Cole vs. Spirit Bear                        
Cole gets his butt                                              beat and is left to                                              die in the woods but                                              found by Garvey and                                              Edwin when they visit.

Person vs. Society
Conflict                                              Resolution
Cole vs. Circle Justice                     
The circle decides if                                           he goes to the island                                             or jail and if he is                                             willing to change his                                             ways or stay the same,                                          Cole goes to the island.

Person vs. Self
Conflict                                               Resolution
Cole vs. Cole                               
Cole is an angry                                                person and gets over                                             his anger by carving on                                           his totem pole, hiking                                           his ancestor rock up a                                           hill,and wading in a                                             small pond every day.  

Spirit Bear Project: Poems

Diamante Poem


Enraged, Demented

Bullying, Wounding, Blaming

Bully, Villain, Friend, Self-Controlled

Assisting, Guiding, Changing

Optimistic, Accepting



White majestic bear,
like a super natural being,
coming and going.



hurtful, lonely

seeing, carving, learning

learning from the mistakes you make

Changed Cole

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Challenge #8

I wouldn't want to be under that when it came down.
Why do I always have to be a swan? Maybe I want to be a duck huh!
Omg! I need that outfit!
Goodbye! Don't end up like the Titanic!
Baby in the middle: Guys give me some room!
Okay let me just cut you open, that guy next to me is in case I mess up and you start to die . I'm new.
We're about to science.
Mommy I'm cold...
How are we to swim? There is no water! 
Daddy don't go! If you go, I go too!
Did I shrink or did they grow?
I ran away from home, now I'm running from the circus! 
What are you looking at? Just a man getting a Thanksgiving turkey!
Lady on far left: I hate all of you! I'm just here for the free food.
Ohhhh! What's this?
Laundry Day
Let's go catch some bacon boys!!!
Treat yourself from time to time.

I smell pie! Where is it?

I have to look like I have important stuff to do, just keep walking.

Young girl: I have no idea what I'm doing.

Possessive much.

Challenge #3

  You want a funny story with no injuries? Okay I'll do my best. Let us get started?

  Recently I went to one of my best friend's birthday parties and it was a sleepover. We went to a movie and the movie screening room  was completely empty and we thought it was like reserved for the birthday girl...Well apparently not. We were running around the whole theater barefoot (well at least they were) and yelling, ect. Well, a couple walked in and saw us and we all froze where we were. Two of us were doing the Titanic thing on those rails in front of the front seats, another one of us was hopping down the stairs, and the others were running around the theater barefoot. We all looked at each other and were like Aw crap. Then we all rushed to our chairs. Guess where they sit out of the entire empty theater? RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY CHAIR AND MY FRIEND'S! I was like Seriously, out off all the seats in the entire empty theater you had to sit there! The movie was good though.
  Once we got back to my friend's house we watched The Starving Games which is a parody movie of The Hunger Games. It was absolutely hilarious it had lots of unpredictable things happen, *cough, cough* like instead of the three finger send off, they do the middle finger send off (not meant to be inappropriate, we just thought it was hilarious).
  After that, we played truth or dare. It resulted in someone eating mayo and relish, someone eating a dog treat and salt, and me having an ice cube melt inside my shirt and I couldn't take it out(thanks for the frost burn) and me eating a handful of pepper. So that was fun and then we did a few more truth or dares I didn't take part in because I didn't want to choke on any more pepper or get more frost burn. We went outside for a while and jumped on her trampoline and I watched the stars while we talked (I howled at the moon, don't judge me, all the dogs joined in).
  While we ate cake I found some funny pictures online. They were simple but funny, one was just a plain black background and in text it just said nice butt and we were dying! We're so mature right!
  That night was super fun and hilarious for me, and no was injured really so I guess this counts. Hope you laughed at how stupid we are and enjoyed thinking about us doing these things.

Challenge #13

  Well since Mr. Mein had to make it to where I couldn't do what I wanted to do (which was wish that that those rules didn't exist) I have to actually come up with something. So I'm going to give this a shot...hopefully I don't fail.
1. Wish numro uno would be to be able to have any book I could ever want at anytime, anywhere. I wish this because I absolutely adore books. They take me to a new places where I can be these amazing people who will never exist in real life. They expand my vocabulary and imagination which help me write in many different styles and use better words (I am not doing that now, but that is only because I'm writing in a different way on this blog).
2. I would wish to live in my imagination.
I mean who wouldn't want to live in their imagination, where anything can happen and you can do and be anything you want. I would personally love that.
3. My third wish is to make everyone happy. Even if I don't know them I want everyone to be happy because we live on a world where many people are unhappy and that makes me sad to know so many people are unhappy. I enjoy laughter and smiles so, many people will benefit from this and there will happiness everywhere ( I sound like a hippie)!
  If I had a genie I would wish for these things, since I can not wish for my original wish but I can't change it. Well, they aren't the most fabulous wishes but, I like them and want them so I going to flipping wish for them. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


  " I remember you." I said looking at the girl with raven black hair and amber eyes. "You and them," I pointed at the group of individuals behind her " You all were at the Blessing."
  The group was strange, it contained one girl and four boys. All of the boys were muscular and fairly tall, but they all seemed afraid of the girl, even if she was shorter and not nearly a muscular as they were.
  One of the boys spoke up, he had dark hair like the girl, but eyes almost like coal, dark with some brightness behind it.
"You got it right. We were there. If you promise to keep your mouth shut we might tell you about it."
I shook my head, " What will happen if I don't keep my mouth shut?" I asked
" Do you really want to know the answer to that question?" He answered with a evil smirk.
I gulped " Fine I'll keep my mouth shut. Now speak." I said irritated with all this nonsense.
  5 hour earlier:
  I sat there in the silver throne to the left of my father, King Sulivin of Cheshire and my mother, Queen Amy of Cheshire, sat on his right.
Today was the day I was to be Blessed. I would be given my Gift as all the royal families had. There are four royal families those who possess the Gifts of fire, wind, water, and earth. My family possesses the fire Gift, it will be Blessed upon me by my father.
  The music had started to play and we all rose to greet our guests. Then it fell to silence as my father spoke " My people, today we Bless my daughter, Princess Alice of Cheshire," the crowd applauded and I waved. Father continued " She will use this power to protect and guide us in the future!"
  My father motioned me to come forward and kneel in front of the Stone of Flares, our land's most prized possession. As I knelt my father placed my crown of flames on my head, I never really wore it only for special occasions.
" May she protect and lead us well." He said. At that I felt as if I had drank fire and it was burning me from the inside out. I heaved but I didn't scream for that would show I was afraid to lead and protect them, and I was not afraid. When it was over I looked at myself expecting to be ash, but I was perfectly fine. Nothing but a small mark on my arm in the shape of a heart, was left. My dress was in taters along the bottom, as if it burst into flames, exposing my legs. 
I shook as I stood, a group of people ran up to help me, but left me immediately feeling that I was hot as fire itself at the moment. They backed away a little but were still at arms length of me.
" Who are you," a guard shouted at the group of people " you are not maids or butlers, seize them!" The person in front of me took of the of their cloak and I saw it was a girl with raven black hair and amber eyes. " Hello, your Majesty." She said smiling as she bowed " See again soon!" Then she turned and ran with her buddies out the window and into the garden.
  "We were there to observe how you took the blessing," the boy started "As you know the Gift of fire it the most painful Blessing to go through and you are the only girl so far in the kingdom to take it."
I shook my head "Yes I am."
"So, we would of thought you would have died from the pain but if you lived you could be a valuable asset to our little group." He smirked as he finished " We need someone with power, you have it trust me. While you were being Blessed you grew wings of fire. A sign of power if I recall. You never even screamed even the princes screamed and you didn't."
  I thought it over in my head. I didn't even know these people and I am a princess I can't just join so ruff-tuff gang because I have power. I should be using that power to help my people. Shouldn't I?
  "What is your group exactly?" I asked the entire group was smiling then...
"The Four Gates." The girl said " Angles of the Blessed Gifts."
To be continued....
(never going to be continued)


Challenge #11: Because of _______

  Because of Jessica, I have a best friend.
  Of course I have many best friends all who help make me myself and each one possesses attributes that are dear to me. But Jessica is the one I have chosen to talk about because she is one of them and an important one too. 
  Jessica has influenced my life to make me who I am today in a remarkable way. She has made me become less paranoid of what people will think of me and how I act. She has helped me express myself more to where I'm not scared to speak my mind anymore (although it does get me in trouble or embarrassed at times). She has helped me improve in my music and encourages me all the way, and makes me more sure of myself. She will always be there for me so I don't have to fear being alone anymore and I know I will always have someone there for me when I really need them. She has made it to where I have a plan for everything and I will never have to deal with not knowing what to do and when I don't know what to do she will help me figure it out.
  She has made it to where I can release all my worries, fears, secrets, and problems and she will lock it up in a vault and never say a peep about them unless we are alone and want to speak about it ( even if I am not the best at keeping secrets). She has made me improve in my classes which means a lot to me because she knows what my future plans are and she is helping me get to those dreams. Like she is boosting me over every obstacle that is in the way of my dreams and I am doing the same for her when I can.
  She provides me with everything I will need in a friend and more. She has made me become a better me in every way, but she doesn't force it on me so I can be a truly better me, by my own choice and she loves me even if I am not the better me and I'm average. She helps me accept my flaws and love them, so I have a better self image. She has given me new memories and traditions that I will never forget.
  Jessica, you have given my a best friend and I truly appreciate that because in most friendships they're never really the best, because if the're the best they would never break or drift apart, they would stick. I have a feeling ours will last and I hope it does. You have helped me embrace who I am and everything I am. By giving me a best friend I feel accepted and happier. So thank you, I know this got a bit emotional and I could keep going on and on but if I do this post would actually be a book. You mean so much to me and I want to say thank you.

My long lost sister and I.
A relationship that I will last forever or even longer.

Thank you. <3