Monday, October 28, 2013

Can Fariy Tales Be Real?

Can Fairy Tales Be True?

    Once upon a time, pretty much sums up why we wonder doesn't it. Fairy tales are what started our imagination witch make up wonder. So,can fairy tales be true? That is an interesting question but can they? Well, we think fairy tales are based off of true people, places, and things like the Grimm Brothers stories.
   Snow White could of been based off of a real person some scholars think. One example of why they think so is because of a woman Marete von Waldeck who was beautiful and lived in Germany during the 16th century when children worked in the mines. Also, a reason why would be because of a woman named Maria Sophia Margaretha Catherina who was the daughter of a prince after her mother died her step mother who was believed to favor over her own children. And also because, of Lohr am Main located near Spessart Forest know for its glass work company the Lohr glass work making company were know for their mirrors of incredible quality people called them talking mirrors.
   Any of this sounding familiar? The only thing missing are the dwarves. But around Lohr were mountains known for mining witch only the smallest of people could fit into witch might of been the inspiration for the dwarves.


       I learned that some fairy tales could have been true but turned a bit. We can prove some are true by researching and studying what we can find and connect them to different parts of the fairy tales like Snow White and the women in Germany and of the land around it like the mirror shop and the small people working in the mines witch could of resembled the dwarves in Snow White. Also by doing the research on the time periods witch would help with the ideas of time in the story and if princes, princesses, queens, and kings were real. 

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