Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Brains vs. Beauty

  Which would I rather be known for, brains or beauty? Well, both have pros and cons to them, both really good and really bad.
  Beauty, has some pros but not many. Although, beauty would be wonderful to be known for due to, your beauty so boys would like you and you could get a job as a model or something in that criteria. Beauty also has lots of cons, like if your super dumb and beautiful you could be made fun of and you may not be able to get a job because you would be so stupid. So that is it for beauty.
  On the other hand having brains is a great deal. You could easily get a great high-paying job and be rich. You could also be made fun of but, you would come up with a quick witty come back that would make them shut up and leave you alone. Having brains now days is a really good thing so that would be awesome. I can't really think of any cons for having brains.
  I prefer brains over beauty because if you have brains you have a better chance for an amazing future. While with beauty, you have a long shot at making even an okay future. I think having both brains and beauty would be great, super smart and cute heck yeah! But, if I had to choose just one it would be brains because, I am super serious about my future so it would be great if I was super smart so it would be easier. I think brains are superior to beauty.

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